Tuesday 7 August 2012

Welcome To My Blog!

Hey guys, welcome to my fashion blog!
I'm planning on making sure I blog regularly, and I want to focus on 6 areas:

1) EVOLUTION OF STYLE - Where I look at a different celebrity and we'll see how they're style has evolved since they first got famous- i'm mostly going to look at teen stars like Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift, to see how they've turned into women, but I am planning to look into some older celebrities too, so keep an eye out!

2) BLAST FROM THE PAST - These are probably going to be more that anything else, because look at old fashions and trying to turn them into new fashions are what I love the most! I'm going to look at people from old TV shows, movies... just those people that you used to love but now forgot about.

3) CARTOON TUESDAYS - Okay, this is sooooo what I'm most excited for! Looking at your favourite animated females from your childhood and seeing just how chic they really are - so check in every Tuesday!

4) STYLE WATCH- Just my verdict on the latest looks that I spy on and off the red carpet, and some of the older looks that I may have seen whilst flicking through an old magazine; These are the the Style Watch/Blast From the Past Crossovers. Because that's too long, I'll just have to lable it as 'STYLE BLAST'.

5) OMG! MOMENTS - I might feel like blogging about some things relating to pop culture, so you can keep in tune with your gossip too! But fear not; I will be checking out what those involved choose to wear at the heart of a scandal....celebrities, be warned.

6) LUST HAVES - Occassionally, when I'm looking at a fashion show, or at a celebrity, I get serious dress/accessory envy. When this occurs, I'll post a picture of the object of my affection to let you all drool over it - or buy it, if your one of those lucky people who can afford it.

So these are going to be my main segments, I may also include the odd 'REVIEW' of make-up and beauty products, investigate who wore it better in 'COPYCAT!' and at the end of the year, or at certain events, I will be giving out my 'STYLE AWARDS', from 'Most Original' to 'Best Dressed' to the dreaded 'Worst Dressed.' D-:

So, those are the guidelines to my blog, I hope you enjoy it and right now I'm going to debut my 'Cartoon Tuesday' segment! Enjoy! :-D xoxo

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