Monday 22 October 2012

BODY CONFIDENCE WEEK - Tackling Cellulite

Hello bloggers!

Okay, so I'm guessing the people reading this blog are most likely girls, and I know that being confident in your body can be really difficult, so I'm dedicating my first week back to blogging to Body Confidence! I believe everyone deserves be happy in their body and everyones beautiful in their own way!


So I know that cellulite is a really big issue for some people. Some have it on their tummies, some have it on their calves, but most have it on their bum and their thighs. Honestly, if I ask any boy what they think off cellulite, they always answer "What's that?" or "I don't care, as long as the ass is a nice shape." Shallow, but not as shallow as you'd think. 
Despite this, cellulite does get a lot of people down, and so here's how to face it head on!
Note: Cellulite will not go away in a few days, or even a few weeks. The fight against cellulite is a long process and it will take month, maybe even a year or two, before you can get rid of it it. In fact, you may never shift it fully, you can just greatly reduce the appearance of it, but if you do this, it's unlikely anyone will notice it. So here's how to face your cellulite head on! 
Note #2: If you plan to reduce your cellulite you will need to lose some weight, so if you're proud of your kardashian booty, you may need to say your goodbyes. If you want to be skinny, be prepared to lose your curves in the process.

-Cut out cigarettes, alcohol, fizzy drinks and smoking.

-Do a combination of cardio and muscle workouts (i'm not exercise expert, so here are some tips:

-Okay, i'm going to tell you right now; cellulite creams do not work. but if you're that desperate, give them a shot, this one got great reviews:

-When your in the shower, scrub the affected area with a loofah.

- When you get out of the shower, massage the affected area with moisturiser.

-Any foods that you know are bad for you - cut them out. If they make you fat, they will cause cellulite (except good fats, like avocados).

-Reduce your salt intake.

-Drink plenty of water - aim for 8 cups a day.

-If you can afford it, you can always get surgery/cosmetic procedures to completely get rid of your cellulite. It's very pricey, and you will probably end up with your cellulite coming back anyway, but it's your own choice. Kim Kardashian is a fan of Velashape ( )

-If you want to hide your cellulite (assuming its on your thighs/bum), wear black tights with your shorts, and instead of shorts, you could wear mixi skirts/dresses (short at the front, long at the back), maxi skirts, skinny jeans or pencil skirts (pencil skirts will also show off a J-Lo bum nicely)

Honestly, in my opinion, getting rid of cellulite is more trouble than it's worth, and to prove it, I created a slideshow (with no music) of the world's most beautiful women, most of whom are very skinny and/or have bagged gorgeous boyfriends/husbands. Lucky them.
Type any celebrities name into google images and put the word 'cellulite' next to their name, and I guarantee, in most cases, at least one image of their dimply bits will pop up. Cut yourself some slack. If 9 in 10 women have cellulite, it's the ones that don't who are weird.

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